25 ago 2009

Angels And Demons , we both can love*

The perfeccion does't exist.
But she's like an angel,
Is beautiful,
And isn't perfect, 'cause she is real.
Her look makes me smile, makes
me happy.
Her lips are my desire,
are my obsecion.

But i'm living a damn lie,without sense.
I just wanna start again, without fears.
But, by your side, nothing i am,
just a simple demon,
playing to be glad.
Where is the shine of the stars?
my reason to start?

But the angel lended me her wings,
and togheter we'll go flying to
the Eden,
And then, we'll love in the hell's flames.
'cause you are all my hopes,
my treasure, my happines, my love.
I finally found, the shine of the star
I finaly found, a reason to start!
thank at you, my sweet angel.

22 ago 2009

Start *

Let's go
Put a little make up
cover up the wounds,
and start again.

Forget the past,
we know that hiding scars,
everything will be fine.
Hidden fears, hidden pain,
wears a smile.

The angels are looknig us and
they pity us, don't understand
why we always should fight here.

Come on, your soul is dead,
but your heart still beats.
One last effort to survive!

I know that you feel.
I know how you feel.
I know what is like to be like you!

The angels are looknig us and
they pity us, don't understand
why we always should fight here.

My Sin *

The most beautiful dream?
She is.. She is everything..
She is Light.. So she is so different to me.
Is beauty, is love.

But she is also Sin.
Is forbidden for me,
It's the little sun that must be kept
hidden, deep inside my heart.

With just a smile she can soothe your soul.
Make escape bad memories, and she carried away.
But nobody knows.
It is my deepest secret,
she is my most beautiful sin.

20 ago 2009

Te amo , no quise ser tu muerte *

Nunca quise ver tu muerte.
Nunca quise ser tu muerte.
Pero una rafaga te llevo de mis brazos,
casi sin notarlo.
Tuve que ver tu sangre correr,
cuando ya no había mas que hacer.
No había mas que hacer por ti, por nosotros.
Tu elegiste este camino.
La lenta tortura, fue la pena que debiste
pagar por tus errores. Un "lo siento"
no es, ni sera nunca suficiente.
No todos los errores se reparan,
se que lo aprendiste. Y estoy orgullosa.
Jamas pensé en lastimarte,
fue uno de esos impulsos, irrefrenables,
que no pude evitar.
Tu dijiste que no volverías a ser mio.
Y te dije, que si no lo eres, de nadie lo serias.
Te burlaste. No me dejaste otro camino.
No temas. No me arrepentiré como tu lo creías,
ni me remordera la conciencia.
Tampoco le temas a la oscuridad.
Es pacifica . Es bella .
Bella, como tu lo eras,
antes de que estuvieses bañado en tu propia sangre,
esa misma, que manaba de tu corazón.
Esa misma, que yo bebí.
Nada me lleno tanto el alma,
como ver esa ultima gota de llanto recorrer
por tu mejilla. Nada fue mas complaciente.
Pero descuida, te perdono, por eso
de ti guardare solo los mas hermosos recuerdos,
los lindos momentos.
Todo lo demás quedara atrás. Lo juro.
Sabes? te amo.
Y te amo como nunca.
Por eso , tan pronto como pueda estare a tu lado de nuevo,
se que lo deseas tanto como yo.
Y cuando volvamos a estar juntos
los angeles tocaran para nosotros la mas bella marcha fuenbre.

19 ago 2009

Las Nueve Declaraciones Satanicas *

Las Nueve Declaraciones Satánicas

1¡Satán representa complacencia, en lugar de abstinencia!
2¡Satán representa la existencia vital, en lugar de sueños espirituales!
3¡Satán representa la sabiduría perfecta, en lugar del auto engaño hipócrita!
4¡Satán representa amabilidad hacia quienes la merecen, en lugar del amor malgastado en ingratos!
5¡Satán representa la venganza, en lugar de ofrecer la otra mejilla!
6¡Satán representa la responsabilidad para el responsable, en lugar de la preocupación por vampiros psíquicos!
7¡Satán representa al hombre como un animal más, algunas veces mejor, más a menudo peor que los que caminan en cuatro patas, y debido a su "divino desarrollo intelectual y espiritual" se ha convertido en el animal más vicioso de todos!
8¡Satán representa todos los supuestos "pecados", ya que todos conducen a la satisfacción física, mental, o emocional!
9¡Satán siempre ha sido el mejor amigo que la iglesia ha tenido, ya que le ha mantenido el negocio durante todos estos años!

Are you an Angel? *

I don't know exactly the time you was come,
maybe you fell from heaven.
Just remember that you found it.
And you're like a dream. Too perfect.
I don't wanna escape form the walls of Eden,
but i know that is no eternal paradise.
And while we are together, I'll never let you fall,
but forever will be your guardian angel.
Now I only want to be with you,
together forever.
Today, everything is nothing without you.
If you fall, I will disappear.
I'll try to shiedl you,
dry your tears, and laugh with you.
But if you go,
There will be no more sky,
The stars will fall, and my soul'll die.
I hope you can understand that you are not
a simple game for me.
You are what I always dreamed,
and never want to lose.
I don't know exactly the time you was come,
just who you know not to go.

inspirado en mi principe .

18 ago 2009

The sweetest blood *

Kiss me.
Give me your blood.
Beautiful Vampire, my dream are you.
Do you wanna bite me?
Do it. Feel the pleasure.
A bloody romance. Vampiric love.
You. Dream of everyone. Only mine.
Take my blood.
Your lips are addictive, I desire you.
Love me, like the others love the sun.
Only love me.
Strange creatures. Us ?
No, they are the stranges.
We are fine. We are fine like this,
without sun, with shadows and Darkness.
Kiss me again.
I wan't your blood.
My immortal love.
Do you wanna bite me?
Do it. Feel the pleasure.
A bloody romance. Vampiric love.
In the coffins , they lie.
In the shadows,we live.
My love, take my blood again!

You hurt me. Don't come back *

Sweet masochism. Weak will.
A hurted heart.
Always waiting to someone else,
come to save her from herself.
She is already lost. Her soul was dead.
Life confused her , and shadows mixed with love.

All was ever destined, to be like this.
There are no solution.

Why you leave out our dreams?
If i always tried to shield you...
You promise me never leave alone.
Why do you do it?

Dead memories flooded our souls.
Rage. Maybe love.
Now you are dead. Dead for me.
You was disappear. You turned into wind.
Storm wind in a rainy night.

The sweeter pain.
Why we didn't want to see our future?

Why you leave out our dreams?
If i always tried to shield you...
You promise me never leave alone.
Why do you do it?

You shouldn't leave me.

Otra vez con el apoyo de la señorita Flor Manson ♥

My dead angel inside my heart

She seems to be made for me.
She seems to be waiting for me.
But is the saddest song, that no one
Wanna sings.
Because she proves to be so cold.
She proves so dark.
But she is so sensitive. She is so beautiful.

Is the most perfect nightmare.
The fallen angel that I wanna by my side forever.
Is these immortal dark kiss.
She is... Who make me dream!

She hides into the shadows,
She hides inside of me.
Of her eyes, tenderness leaks.
Of her mouth love disguised as hatred goes out.
Because she is so beautiful. So beautiful.

Is the most perfect nightmare.
The fallen angel that I wanna by my side forever.
Is these immortal dark kiss.
She is... Who make me dream!

Her soul belongs to me.
I know it.
Because she is so beautiful, is everything to me.

Escrito con la colaboracion de Flor Manson,
e inspirado en ella ♥